December 09, 2019

Where To (Re)start?

Thanksgiving marked my last week at Contently, a company I co-founded nine years ago. For most of those nine years I was CEO, and for nearly all of that time every ounce of energy and attention I had went into the company (even when reserves were–well–low).

And so it’s a strange experience leaving my full-time role. Even though the transition was as gradual as I could’ve asked for, there was a certain abruptness–come Monday morning–that was inevitable.

“What are you doing next?” is a question I’ve gotten a bunch of times and, though it’s flattering that people would care, it’s awkward not having a great answer. The truth is, it was just time to go. I’d given all I could to Contently, and then some. I wasn’t running toward anything.

And yet, through the maliase of post-big-project depression, I feel like a dam has broken. Nothing definable really, more like a mess of primordial soup made up of ideas, emotions and a strong desire to work on previously neglected parts of my life.

So in the spirit of doing what I always do when I’m not sure what to say, I’ve decided to make a list. For the forseeable feature, here’s what I’m planning to do:

  • Work on relationships and community, which have always been a weak spot.

  • Binge on all the new technology I haven’t had ample time to check out.

  • Return to my polyamerous life. When it comes to ideas, I mean. I don’t want to start another company, I just want to build a bunch of stuff and see how things develop. And not get trapped, which is actually a really important consideration.

  • Write. Hopefully a lot.

So killing a few birds with one stone, the first item on my docket was to create a place to house my writings (you’re here). It was also a fun project, creating a theme from scratch (but with heavy inspiration) and porting it over to Jekyll, which was interesting and relatively painless. But more on that soon.

With all of that said, I have several posts in the works that I’ll publish when the time is right. As with all of my projects, this whole thing is first and foremost for my own gratification, but if others can get something from it that would be sweet, sweet icing on the cake. Thanks for reading!